KALOPANAX pictus v. maximowiczii

The tropical effect of the tree is made even more effective by the large deeply cut palmate leaves that are borne in stark contrast with the coarse texture and thorny stems.

Product Description

KALOPANAX pictus v. maximowiczii – Castor-aralia

(aka Kalopanax septemlobus var. maximowiczii)

The tropical effect of the tree is made even more effective by the large deeply cut palmate leaves that are borne in stark contrast with the coarse texture and thorny stems. Tiny white flowers in large umbels appear in late summer followed by dark purple/black fruit. Native to eastern Asia.

Sun: Full Sun

Soil: Moist, Well-Drained, Intolerant of Dry Soils

Size: Height 24-40ft., Spread 25-40ft.

Zone: 4-7

Flower: Tiny White Umbels

Bloom Time: July to August

Attributes: Tropical, Showy, Low Maintenance