ABIES balsamea ‘Canaan’

A very uniform growing fir similar to Fraser Fir but more adaptable to a wide range of soils. It prefers a deep loam, but will grow in a variety of soils. The uniform pyramidal growth and soft, showy dark green to bluish dark green needles make a stately specimen in the landscape. Very adaptable native of West Virginia.

Product Description

ABIES balsamea ‘Canaan’ – Canaan Fir

aka: ABIES balsamea ‘Phanerolepis’

A very uniform growing fir similar to Fraser Fir but more adaptable to a wide range of soils. The Canaan fir prefers a deep acidic sandy loam, but will grow in a variety of soils. The uniform pyramidal growth and soft, showy, dark green to bluish dark green needles make a stately specimen in the landscape. Very adaptable and resistant to frost damage compared to other Abies. Native of West Virginia.

Sun: Full Sun/ Part Shade

Soil: Sandy Acidic Well-drained

Size: Height 30-40ft., Width 15-20ft.

Zone: 3-6

Attributes: Adaptive plant, Narrow Pyramidal Form, Blue green needles, Resistant to Frost Damage