ASTILBE ‘Chocolate Shogun’

‘Chocolate Shogun’ has dark purple foliage and is topped with light pink flowers.

Product Description

ASTILBE ‘Chocolate Shogun’ – ‘Chocolate Shogun’ Meadow Sweet

(P.P. 26430)

‘Chocolate Shogun’ has dark purple foliage and is topped with light pink flowers that bloom mid-summer through late summer. Tolerant to heavy shade and wet soil while also attracting butterflies and bees. Best placed as a perennial border near a pond or stream, make sure to mass plant it. Native to China, Japan and Korea.

Sun: Full Sun/Part Shade

Soil: Moist, Well-drained

Size: Height 1-3ft., Width 1-2ft.

Zone: 4-8

Flower: Light Pink

Bloom Time: Mid-Summer- Late Summer

Attributes: Low Maintenance, Pollinator, Tolerant to Wet Soil and Heavy Shade, Deer and Rabbit Resistant, Attractive Foliage