CORNUS kousa ‘Little Poncho’

Useful as a small specimen tree that is covered by masses of white flowers in late spring ideal for small garden spaces. Rich green foliage turns shades of red and purple in autumn.

Product Description

CORNUS kousa ‘Little Poncho’- Little Poncho Chinese Dogwood

Useful as a small specimen tree that is covered by masses of white flowers in late spring ideal for small garden spaces. Rich green foliage turns shades of red and purple in autumn. Native to China.

Sun: Full Sun/Part Shade

Soil: Organically Rich, Well-Drained

Size: Height 10ft., Spread 8ft.

Zone: 5-9

Flower: Showy White Bracts

Bloom Time: Late Spring

Attributes: Showy, Resistant to Dogwood Anthracnose and Powdery Mildew, Edible Fruit, Fall Color