EXOCHORDA x macrantha ‘The Bride’

Low growing compact shrub with nodding branches. White pearl-shaped buds appear in May followed by abundant 11/4 in. pure white flowered racemes.

Product Description

EXOCHORDA x macrantha ‘The Bride’ – The Bride Pearlbush

Low-growing compact shrub with nodding branches. White pearl-shaped buds appear in May followed by abundant 1 1/4 in. pure white flowering racemes. Flowers bloom on old growth. An excellent border specimen that adapts well and thrives on neglect. A cross between a Turkish and Chinese species.

Sun: Full Sun/Part Shade

Soil: Moist, Acidic, Organically Rich

Size: Height 3-6ft., Spread 6-8ft.

Zone: 5-8

Flower: White Flowers

Bloom Time: Spring

Attributes: Drought Resistant, Heat Resistant, Showy Flowers, Fragrant