HYDRANGEA paniculata Quickfire®

A breakthrough plant that blooms more than a month earlier than other cultivars of paniculata Hydrangea, blooming in early June. Flowers fade to a rich pink.

Product Description

HYDRANGEA paniculata Quickfire® – Quickfire® Hydrangea

(‘Bulk’ P.P.16812)

A breakthrough plant that blooms more than a month earlier than other cultivars of paniculata Hydrangea, blooming in early June. Flowers fade to a rich pink. Species is native to Japan and China.

Sun: Full Sun/Part Shade

Soil: Organically Rich, Well-Drained, Medium

Size: Height 6-8ft., Spread 6-8ft.

Zone: 4-8

Flower: White to Deep Pink

Bloom Time: Summer

Attributes: Showy Flowers, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Bees, Long-Blooming