VIBURNUM plicatum tomentosum ‘Molly Schroeder’

Flat panicles of pink flowers bloom in late May and early June and will repeat bloom again in late summer. Attractive red fruit is displayed against maroon foliage in fall.

Product Description

VIBURNUM plicatum tomentosum ‘Molly Schroeder’ – Molly Schroeder Doublefile Viburnum

(aka Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Molly Schroeder’)

Flat panicles of pink flowers bloom in late May and early June and will repeat bloom again in late summer on horizontal branching. Attractive red fruit is displayed against maroon foliage in fall. Species is native to Japan and China.

Sun: Full Sun/Part Shade

Soil: Adaptable to Most Soils, Prefers Moist

Size: Height 8ft., Spread 6ft.

Zone: 5-9

Flower: Lacecap Pink

Bloom Time: Late May to June

Attributes: Showy Flowers, Drought Tolerant, Pollinator